What is Pati de la Llotja?
It is a section of the International Festival of Photography Emergent held in Lleida. There are other sections as E crea or Emergent-Sorigué with more restrictive conditions since the candidates should be registered in a school when applying.
On the contrary, the Pati’s main feature is openess to a wider range and number of candidates. Still, there is a process of selection held in 2 stages. Stage 1: candidates submit on line their portfolios and a jury (in 2011 lead by Rafa Doctor) selects 40 authors that should go for the 2nd stage. For the 2nd stage, the 40 guys have to go to Lleida, with their portfolios printed and present it to followers e.g. gallerists, curators, photography writers, photographers etc. It is actually a direct dialogue, an intense exchange of opinions, a trade of ideas in which each author tries to present best his/her work. It is almost a market where instead of selling grocery or meat, one sells ideas.
Followers “buy” ideas and the reward for it are awards consisting not in direct money but in “products”: produce exhibits of the projects, publish..
This is the list of the awards or “products” I have been given for my photography works and ideas. I cannot be but happy.
The Private Space (TPS) in Barcelona: collective exhibition of 6 authors and catalogue as volume made of 6 artist books along with Alberto Feijoo, Blanca Galindo, Cédric Van Turtelboom, David Simón, Víctor Garrido
Valid Foto in Barcelona: group exhibition of 3 authors
Stuffinablank Exibitions: on line group exhibition along with Carlos Bravo, Ezio d’Agostino, Pacual Martínez
Baledas de Cíclope Meccánico in Seville along with Cristina De Middel, Javier Celán, Stephan C., César Merino, Jordi Díaz, Enric Montes, Dalila Virgolini, Jesús Madriñán, Míriam Pastor, Bandia Ribeira, Cédric Van Turtelboom
Fanzine 10×15: Edición Especial along with Natxa Pomar, Santos Roman, Dalila Virgolini, Alberto Feijoo, Jesús Madriñán, Miren Pastor, Florencia Rojas, Cristina MiddeL, Blanca Galindo and Jordi Díaz
Enhorabuena Simona, estuve mirando tu trabajo cuando no estabas y no tuve ocasión de decirte que me había gustado mucho en persona.
Por otro lado me parece muy interesante los apuntes que haces del Pati de la Llotja aquí. Muy interesante.
Gracias Blanca!
Me hace ilusión y me motiva muchisimo cada vez que alguien presta atención a mi trabajo. Y si encima gusta, me llena de energía. Un abrazo y hasta la próxima. Compartimos premio, no?
Si compartimos premio (imposible no compartirlo contigo gran ganadora de premios) y la verdad es que yo estoy muy contenta. Hasta la próxima